Thursday 25 February 2016

water rate consumption, IELTS TASK 1

The chart shows the difference in prices of water consumption rates in five cities in 2000 and 2010 compared to that of the year 1990. Overall, it can be seen that all the cities noted expensive  higher water rates than that of 1990 except in Osaka and in San Francisco (but only in the year 2000).

The most striking features is noted in San Francisco, its water rate prices price was 2% less than that of 1990 in 2000 and significantly rose to 5% by 5% more than that of 1990 in 2010. Other The other point to note is in Osaka, which was the only country that had cheaper prices than that of 1990 over the period. Surprisingly, in 2000, its figure was 5% less, then in 2010 it . It decreased even more to by 7% less than that of 1990’ compared to the price of water in 1990.

The rest of the cities, however, saw an increase higher prices from 2000 to 2010 than that of 1990. The highest increase was marked in Delhi from 4.5% in 2000 to 7.9% in 2010 than that of 1990’. The figures for Seville and Shanghai also experienced the same, they increased increasing from 2.5% to 4.5% and from 3% to 4% than that of 1990’ respectively.

            Evaluation Report
Word count
The candidate has presented a general overview of the bar chart. An effort to compare and contrast the main features is visible. Paragraphing of the report is fine. However, there are some mistakes related to grammar and sentence structure. In addition, choice of words is inappropriate at some places. Overall, the report needs further improvements.
Estimated Band Score
1.      Pay more attention to grammar and improve sentences.
2.      Need to improve choice of words.
3.      Avoid repetition of words.
4.      Keep practicing to improve your performance.
5.      Writing Correction Service - to order a correction click here

mode of transport, IELTS TASK 1, band 6.5/7

The pie charts compare the types of transport used by ladies to commute for work in main cities in the US in the year 1999 and 2009. Overall, in both years the main transport used by the ladies was metro (20-22) and the least was on foot (2-4).

Looking at the details, the figure for three types of transport that had a fall were metro, bus and private car. The figure for metro was the highest in both years, of which only experienced a small drop from 22 to 20. The figure for bus declined from 21 to 16, placing it at 3rd place in 2009 from 2nd rank in 1999. For private car, the figure had fallen from 18 to 15 over the period.

The modes of transport that experienced a rise were bicycle, walking and car sharing. The highest increase was in the figure for bicycle from 6 to 11. The figures for walking rose from 14 to17 and car sharing from 2 to 4. Train was the only transport that had its figures remained the same which were 17 in both years.

            Evaluation Report
Word count
The overview in this report contains appropriately chosen information. The key features have been identified and illustrated in a logical way. Paragraphing of the report is fine. However, there are some mistakes related to grammar and sentence structures. Overall, the report can be improved further.
Estimated Band Score
 6.5 or 7.0
1.      Pay a little more attention to grammar and improve sentence structures.
2.      Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
3.      Keep practicing to improve your performance.
4.      Writing Correction Service - to order a correction click here

underground railway system, IELTS TASK 1, table

The table illustrates the subway stations in six countries by date opened,  distance of route distance (measured in km) and passenger numbers per year (measured in millions, m). Apparently, higher passenger numbers are marked amongst the earliest stations opened earlier which also have longer routes than the later built subways.

Looking at the details, the highest  number of passengers is noted by Tokyo with 1927 m passengers, which has the third longest route (155km), which was also the third built station in 1927. Paris has the second highest  number of passengers (1191 m), second longest route (199 km) and was also the second built station in 1900. While, the first built railway was London in 1863, it has the longest route of 394 km and had carries the third highest  number of passengers (775 m). Washington DC on the other hand, marked at fourth rank of all categories (built in 1976, 126 km route, and 144 m passengers)

The later built underground stations, of Kyoto and Los Angeles were built in 1981 and 2001 respectively and they have relatively way shorter routes than that of the older stations (11 and 28 km respectively). Both can only bear little The subways of Kyoto and Los Angeles carry less number of passengers compared to the earliest stations (45 and 50 m respectively).

                Evaluation Report
Word count
The overview in this report contains appropriately chosen information. The key features have been identified and illustrated in a logical way. Paragraphing of the report is fine. However, there are some mistakes related to grammar and sentence structures. Overall, the report can be improved further.
Estimated Band Score
1.        Pay more attention to grammar and improve sentence structures.
2.        Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
3.        Keep practicing to improve your performance.

alcohol intake, IELTS task 1, complex tables

The tables compare the percentage of alcohol intake of more than 20 units/ week by different genders of age 21 to 40 and by socio-economic group in the US for over 3 decades from 1979 to 2009. 
Overall, males consumed more and with higher discrepancies than that of females. All categories saw a drop in percentage in the first two decades, although some continued to fall but some seemed to recover in the final year.

For males, the highest proportion of drinkers was noted by among unskilled manual, which its figures (63-40%) were about double  of that of  the least drinkers’, which was professional (32-13%). For females, the highest figure was noted by among skilled manual (48 – 31%), though it had minor difference with other groups of about 4 to 14%. The  proportion of least drinkers among the ladies was also professional (34-10%).

Beside professionals, both genders also saw lesser figure in manager among managers (43-19 by % among men and 37-23 by % among women) and non-manual (46-24 by  % among men and 37-23 by % among women). Skilled The proportion of skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled manual noted higher records of about 58-31% among men and 48-31% among women.

            Evaluation Report
Word count
The overview in this report contains appropriately chosen information. The key features have been identified and illustrated in a logical way. Paragraphing of the report is fine. However, there are some mistakes related to grammar and sentence structures. Overall, the report can be improved further.
Estimated Band Score
1.      Pay more attention to grammar and improve sentence structures.
2.      Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
3.      Keep practicing to improve your performance.
4.      Writing Correction Service - to order a correction click here

income spent on common items, IELTS TASK 1, band 6.5

The table illustrates the expenditure by adults and children of different sexes on four regular stuffs in the UK in 1998. Overall, adults spent the most on food while children on music. Different gender also influenced preference of items chosen.

Comparing adults with children, adults pattern of spending concentrated only on food at 25% and on others electronic equipment and music at only 5%  each and bellow 1% on video. In contrast, children saw a better spread of spending with the highest proportion on music at 39%, followed by electronic equipment (23%), videos (12%) and food (10%).

Looking at gender, for adults, women spent the most on food at 39% and on others music
 at 5% and below , followed by 1% and 0.5% on electronic equipment and videos. Men also spent the most on food but at only 14%, and this was closely followed by electronic equipment (10%) and on others music and videos at 5% and below 2% respectively.

For children, both boys and girls had the highest expenses on music (38% and 40% respectively), followed by videos (18% and 17% respectively). However, beside videos, the boys also had electronic equipment as their second preference (18%). On contrary, the girls spent only 5% on electronic equipment, which was also their least favorite item, on the opposite, the boys’ least favorite item was food (11 9%).

            Evaluation Report
Word count
The overview in this report contains appropriately chosen information. The key features have been identified and illustrated in a logical way. Paragraphing of the report is fine. However, there are some mistakes related to grammar and sentence structures. Overall, the report can be improved further.
Estimated Band Score
1.      Pay a little more attention to grammar.
2.      Observe the graph carefully and respond accordingly.
3.      Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
4.      Keep practicing to improve your performance.
 Writing Correction Service - to order a correction click here

estimated sales of jeans, IELTS Task 1, band 6.5

The bar chart compares the forecasted sales of jeans by Mango Co.  and Jack & Jones Co. in next year in Turkey. Units are measured in thousands of pairs (t.o.p).

Overall, the Jack & Jones Co. is expected to have higher sales than that of the Mango Co. over that year except in July and August. Both companies are also predicted to have an upward trends of sales starting in February next year.

Looking at the details, the Jack & Jones Co. is estimated to start the year in a boast of sales at 450 t.o.p but is likely to slump to around 200 t.op in February. However, the sales is forecasted to gradually increase but probably will remain stagnant in from June to August at 400 t.o.p. The onward sales is are expected to grow and reach its highest peak at 900 t.o.p at the end of the year.

The Mango Co. on the other hand, is predicted to start the year at a very low point at around 100 t.o.p but is likely to steadily rise before stand it levels out at 500 t.o.p in from August to November. October and It is not expected to catching up with Jack & Jones Co. with forecasted hit at only 600 t.o.p at the end of the period.

            Evaluation Report
Word count
The overview in this report contains appropriately chosen information. The key features have been identified and illustrated in a logical way. Paragraphing of the report is fine. However, there are some mistakes related to grammar and sentence structures. Overall, the report can be improved further.
Estimated Band Score
1.      Pay a little more attention to grammar and improve sentence structures.
2.      Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
3.      Keep practicing to improve your performance.
Writing Correction Service - to order a correction click here

cultural understanding, IELTS TASK 2, band 6.5

Many people believe that global crisis occurs due to lack of cultural understanding. However, there are several measures that can be taken to gain better cultural comprehension among people worldwide.

I believe that, the most significant way to bridge the gap of conception among us is via tourism. Instead of travelling for fun and leisure, people around the world should be encouraged to also travel to learn about the host countries’ cultures, practices and believes beliefs and at the same time sharing  share theirs with the locals. Exchanging such knowledge will definitely increase communication and build better relationship among us, and thus bringing better impression about each other.

More than that, the host countries should also provide expert tour guides that who can really explain and describe about the unique values that the locals hold. A solid  Solid information about the locals like a book or simply a nice pamphlet briefly describing about the locals’ customs will also help the tourist to digest the info information better. Some cultural performances should attract more tourists to come and enlighten them with some differences that the locals hold.

Other than that, student exchange programs may also alleviate help in gaining better understanding. For instance, if more students exchange globally for at least one month, then this will give better chance for more students to go abroad and mingle with others from different parts of the world. This will then educate more people worldwide about each other, spreading the knowledge and soon more people will have their wrong perspectives enlighten develop a greater tolerance towards others from different backgrounds.

All in all, all these measures might increase our understanding about each other and hoping that these will reduce our misconception about other cultures, believes  beliefs and customs. 

            Evaluation Report
Word count
All parts of the task are covered. The ideas have been presented coherently; it is evident that the writer progresses from one idea to another. Paragraphing of the essay is fine. The range of vocabulary is sufficient here. However, there are several errors in grammar and word choice. Overall, the essay can be improved further.
Estimated Band Score
1.      Pay more attention to grammar.
2.      Improve choice of words.
3.      Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
4.      Keep practicing to improve your performance.
Writing Correction Service - to order a correction click here

sharing information, IELTS TASK 2

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to, and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial, this is danger to our societies.
What do you think?

Current technology allows us to exchange and share information unlimitedly especially via media social social media like Facebook and Instagram. Many adopt this current trend as something normal but others content  contend that this trend is rather danger dangerous to the societies.

From my point of view, sharing everything online for example put puts a vast treat to our personal life. First of all by , sharing everything to with the public actually gives us no privacy. Thus putting ourselves this puts us in a very vulnerable positions position as others can trace our activities. Posting our current position for instance might attract psychopath to follow us and put our lives in a real threat. On the other hand, others can tell  about our personality, weakness and this could be used to attack or against us.

What is more, sharing everything to  with the world gives others uncontrolled access to our pictures and information. This information could be exploited and used in fraud, or any cheating schemes. Many have been reported to lose their information and facing face financial problems set by the fraud.

Moreover, this trend forced forces us to be perfectionist to exceed people people’s expectation. For example posting on our kids kid’s development, we might end up obsess being obsessed to show their best progress. This will make us forcing our kids to excel in studies and to perform their best in any sport or competition. This will make them living live in pressure and thus psychologically defect  affect them.

All in all, we should not share everything in  with public as this puts us in a very vulnerable position. This unhealthy trend also makes us living live in pressure to precede people people’s expectation which is too abnormal and unhealthy.

            Evaluation Report
Word count
The candidate’s effort to accomplish the task response is visible. The information is presented coherently; it is evident that the writer progresses from one idea to another. However, there are several errors in word choice and grammar. Overall, the essay can be improved further.
Estimated Band Score
1.      Revise grammar.
2.      Learn more vocabulary and improve choice of words.
3.      Read sample essays from our website.
4.      Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
5.      Keep practicing to improve your performance.
Writing Correction Service - to order a correction click here