Thursday 10 March 2016

internet users and percentage of penetration, IELTS task 1, band 7

The table and bar chart illustrate information about internet users worldwide in the year 2000 and 2010. Overall, it shows that the number of internet users has had remarkably increased in most of the places but the percentage of penetration was only found higher in certain regions.

Looking at the bar chart, the highest percentage of penetration was experienced by three regions which were in North America (about 75%), Oceania and Australia (60%) and Europe (about 58%). While, the rest of the places recorded less than 40% of internet penetration, with Africa the least at 10%..

The table indicates the number of internet users in millions (m). The highest number of users in both years were was marked in Asia (114m to 825m), Europe (105m to 475 m) and North America (108m to 266m). Even though some places noted lower number of users but the growth was remarkable. For instance, the figure for Africa and Middle East noted a 20 times increase from 5m and 3m in 2000 to 110m and 63m in 2010 respectively. However, the figure for Oceania/ Australia noted only a 3 times increment from 7 m to 21 m and Latin America had a slight increase from 18m to 20m respectively..

            Evaluation Report
Word count
All the requirements of the task have been covered fairly well. The key features have been identified and illustrated in a logical way. The paragraphing has been handled appropriately. Overall, the control of grammar and punctuation is good, with only a few errors made.
Estimated Band Score
1.      Pay a little more attention to grammar.
2.      Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
3.      Keep practicing to improve your performance.

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