Thursday 25 February 2016

income spent on common items, IELTS TASK 1, band 6.5

The table illustrates the expenditure by adults and children of different sexes on four regular stuffs in the UK in 1998. Overall, adults spent the most on food while children on music. Different gender also influenced preference of items chosen.

Comparing adults with children, adults pattern of spending concentrated only on food at 25% and on others electronic equipment and music at only 5%  each and bellow 1% on video. In contrast, children saw a better spread of spending with the highest proportion on music at 39%, followed by electronic equipment (23%), videos (12%) and food (10%).

Looking at gender, for adults, women spent the most on food at 39% and on others music
 at 5% and below , followed by 1% and 0.5% on electronic equipment and videos. Men also spent the most on food but at only 14%, and this was closely followed by electronic equipment (10%) and on others music and videos at 5% and below 2% respectively.

For children, both boys and girls had the highest expenses on music (38% and 40% respectively), followed by videos (18% and 17% respectively). However, beside videos, the boys also had electronic equipment as their second preference (18%). On contrary, the girls spent only 5% on electronic equipment, which was also their least favorite item, on the opposite, the boys’ least favorite item was food (11 9%).

            Evaluation Report
Word count
The overview in this report contains appropriately chosen information. The key features have been identified and illustrated in a logical way. Paragraphing of the report is fine. However, there are some mistakes related to grammar and sentence structures. Overall, the report can be improved further.
Estimated Band Score
1.      Pay a little more attention to grammar.
2.      Observe the graph carefully and respond accordingly.
3.      Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
4.      Keep practicing to improve your performance.
 Writing Correction Service - to order a correction click here

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