Thursday 25 February 2016

Settling into new culture, IELTS TASK 2

Settling into new culture can be extremely difficult. Although some culture shock is inevitable, there are a number of ways to make living overseas much easier. How far do you agree or disagree.

Since centuries, people start to move have been moving out and settle settling down into at new places. Nowadays, people living in live abroad to fulfil social requirements either for living, working, studying or for leisure. Adapting to new environments could be very hard due to distinct ideas and lifestyle that could be contrary to our own culture and principles.

One of the major problem problems of living abroad is language barrier, as language is very important as a medium of communication and transferring information. Foreigners who are  unable to interact well with the locals usually end up getting wrong information and face more problems accordingly. Thus, one solution that could be done taken is by learning the locals local language. This could be very helpful especially to ask for direction or as simple as to have order dinner.

Another problems problem of living abroad is feeling homesick, and consequently, some may just want to give up and return home sooner. This can be tackled by making new friends. Friends can make us feel more alive, more like a home especially if we meet someone from the same regional region . Besides that, we could also keep in touch with our family either through phone or the internet.

Finally, many people find that living abroad causes a culture shock. As different culture practice by the locals may go against their own believe belief and culture. This is easily solved by respecting other religions and local customs. We might not be agreed agree with the locals but as long as everyone respect[s each other, then we should be able to live in peace and harmony.

All in all, adapting to new places could be hard but by learning and respecting local custom and language, we could be more likely to fit in the society.

            Evaluation Report
Word count
The candidate’s effort to accomplish the task response is visible. The information is presented coherently; it is evident that the writer progresses from one idea to another. However, there are several errors in word choice and grammar. Overall, the essay can be improved further.
Estimated Band Score
1.      Revise grammar.
2.      Learn more vocabulary and improve choice of words.
3.      Read sample essays from our website.
4.      Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
5.      Keep practicing to improve your performance.

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