Thursday 25 February 2016

underground railway system, IELTS TASK 1, table

The table illustrates the subway stations in six countries by date opened,  distance of route distance (measured in km) and passenger numbers per year (measured in millions, m). Apparently, higher passenger numbers are marked amongst the earliest stations opened earlier which also have longer routes than the later built subways.

Looking at the details, the highest  number of passengers is noted by Tokyo with 1927 m passengers, which has the third longest route (155km), which was also the third built station in 1927. Paris has the second highest  number of passengers (1191 m), second longest route (199 km) and was also the second built station in 1900. While, the first built railway was London in 1863, it has the longest route of 394 km and had carries the third highest  number of passengers (775 m). Washington DC on the other hand, marked at fourth rank of all categories (built in 1976, 126 km route, and 144 m passengers)

The later built underground stations, of Kyoto and Los Angeles were built in 1981 and 2001 respectively and they have relatively way shorter routes than that of the older stations (11 and 28 km respectively). Both can only bear little The subways of Kyoto and Los Angeles carry less number of passengers compared to the earliest stations (45 and 50 m respectively).

                Evaluation Report
Word count
The overview in this report contains appropriately chosen information. The key features have been identified and illustrated in a logical way. Paragraphing of the report is fine. However, there are some mistakes related to grammar and sentence structures. Overall, the report can be improved further.
Estimated Band Score
1.        Pay more attention to grammar and improve sentence structures.
2.        Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
3.        Keep practicing to improve your performance.

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