Wednesday 24 February 2016

Should smoking be banned in all public places? IELTS TASK 1, band 6.5

There is evidence that inhaling cigarette smoke causes health problems not only for smokers but for non-smokers who inhale other people’s smoke. In view of this, smoking should be banned in all public places, even though this would restrict some people’s freedom of action.
What is your views?

There are thousands of articles reporting the harms andharmful effects of  cigar’s smoke smoking not only to on the smokers but also to on the second smokers, who are non-smokers but inhale other people’s smoke. The smoke  is reported to cause cancers, lung diseases and a lot of other health problems. These effects rather seem unfair for nonsmokers and thus bring up a contention to ban smoking in all public places. Though However, some people contentrefute this contention as this limits people’s freedom of action.

In  From my point of view, banning smoking in public places seems relevant as this could protect other people from health risks bonded with the  resulting from smoke. If smokers claim their freedom of action than then others also have the right to claim their freedom to breath in clean and clear air. Furthermore, in every public places there are always smoking area provided for smokers which gives them no reason to smoke in public places.

What is more, the smoke produced put more threat to children as they breathe twice faster than the adults. They are highly vulnerable to health risks associated with smoke due to high likely to absorb the smoke and also because their immune systems are yet not  as strong as the adults. They are reported to experience asthma, lung and heart diseases due to inhalation of smoke.

It is now clear that smoking have caused many suffer causes many health problems thus banning it is significantly a right thing to do.  Smokers have put a huge threat to the society and resisting to respect public voice and safety is just selfish. Thus, banning smoking in public places should be reinforced for better and healthy society.

            Evaluation Report
Word count
All parts of the task are covered. The ideas have been presented coherently; it is evident that the writer progresses from one idea to another. Paragraphing is fine. The range of vocabulary is sufficient here. However, there are several errors pertaining to grammar and word choice. Overall, the essay can be improved further.
Estimated Band Score
1.      Pay more attention to grammar.
2.      Improve choice of words.
3.      Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
4.      Keep practicing to improve your performance.
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