Thursday 25 February 2016

sharing information, IELTS TASK 2

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to, and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial, this is danger to our societies.
What do you think?

Current technology allows us to exchange and share information unlimitedly especially via media social social media like Facebook and Instagram. Many adopt this current trend as something normal but others content  contend that this trend is rather danger dangerous to the societies.

From my point of view, sharing everything online for example put puts a vast treat to our personal life. First of all by , sharing everything to with the public actually gives us no privacy. Thus putting ourselves this puts us in a very vulnerable positions position as others can trace our activities. Posting our current position for instance might attract psychopath to follow us and put our lives in a real threat. On the other hand, others can tell  about our personality, weakness and this could be used to attack or against us.

What is more, sharing everything to  with the world gives others uncontrolled access to our pictures and information. This information could be exploited and used in fraud, or any cheating schemes. Many have been reported to lose their information and facing face financial problems set by the fraud.

Moreover, this trend forced forces us to be perfectionist to exceed people people’s expectation. For example posting on our kids kid’s development, we might end up obsess being obsessed to show their best progress. This will make us forcing our kids to excel in studies and to perform their best in any sport or competition. This will make them living live in pressure and thus psychologically defect  affect them.

All in all, we should not share everything in  with public as this puts us in a very vulnerable position. This unhealthy trend also makes us living live in pressure to precede people people’s expectation which is too abnormal and unhealthy.

            Evaluation Report
Word count
The candidate’s effort to accomplish the task response is visible. The information is presented coherently; it is evident that the writer progresses from one idea to another. However, there are several errors in word choice and grammar. Overall, the essay can be improved further.
Estimated Band Score
1.      Revise grammar.
2.      Learn more vocabulary and improve choice of words.
3.      Read sample essays from our website.
4.      Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
5.      Keep practicing to improve your performance.
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