Thursday 25 February 2016

Marriage is a redundant institution. IELTS TASK 2

Marriage is a part of natural need needs of life and have has been practiced since forever[time immemorial. However, in these days, people starts are starting to unacknowledged this practice, and consider it as an irrelevant redundant institution. I My view the is opposite to this contention as I believe marriage is still worth its value.

First of all, marriage is a sacred institution that helps raise better generations. As someone takes a vow to be married, they are bonded with responsibility and commitment to raise a family. Thus, they expect are expected to welcome new members, to provide love and care for every each of its members which guarantees a healthy, loving environment to bring up a child.

On the other hand, a couple who is unmarried but then borne still expecting a child might get panic, panickly get an abortion or baby dumping even dump the baby. Perhaps, they might raise them abusively with vengeance and hatred. This would produce a troublemakers, rebellious, and full of hatred kids. These kids, who are not getting much love and attention, might looking look for it elsewhere and are prone to social problems.

What is more, marriage is a natural course for human humans, and if we did do not acknowledge this need, we might find it ourselves in wrong ways. As to fulfill this desire and need, many find themselves get involved in free sex, prostitution, rape, pornography and other sex crimes. This  These social problems might lead to more troubles and issues including drug addicts, baby dumping and abortion. This cycle continues which produce more and more ruinruined generations.

All in all, marriage is an institution that guaranteed guarantess a place for everyone, it sustains  a better future generation raised in loved love and attention.

            Evaluation Report
Word count
The essay contains relevant ideas. An effort to elaborate the main ideas with supporting points is visible. Paragraphing of the essay is fine. However, the number of mistakes in the essay is considerable. Most of the mistakes pertain to grammar, spellings and sentence structures. In addition, choice of words is inappropriate at some places. Overall, the essay needs further improvements.
Estimated Band Score
1.      Revise grammar and improve sentence structures.
2.      Be careful of spelling mistakes.
3.      Learn more vocabulary and improve choice of words.
4.      Use synonyms to avoid repetition.
5.      Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
6.      Keep practicing to improve your performance.
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