Tuesday 23 February 2016

labour employment by sector, IELTS TASK 1, pie charts

The charts represent labour employment by sector in Thailand and Japan in 2005. As clearly be seen, Thailand had the biggest proportion of labour force  in agriculture, while Japan in services.

Looking at the details, Thailand which had the biggest proportion   of labour force in agriculture (42.3%) was also closely followed by services (37.10%) and industry (20.30%), which made quite a close gap between the three sectors. In contrary, in Japan, service sector dominating  dominated the chart by about 70% left, leaving only 28% for industry and 4.5% for agriculture.

As can be noted, a huge difference between Thailand and Japan is that Thailand had the biggest proportion   of labour force in agriculture but Japan had only under 5% for the  that sector. However, both had almost similar proportion of employment for industry of which about 20% to 30%.

All in all, the employment in Japan and Thailand was very much contradictory, as in Japan services sector was dominating the job sector, while in Thailand different sectors spread more evenly.

            Evaluation Report
Word count
The overview in this report contains appropriately chosen information. The key features have been identified and illustrated in a logical way. Paragraphing of the report is fine. However, there are some mistakes related to grammar and sentence structures. Overall, the report can be improved further.
Estimated Band Score
 6.0 or 6.5
1.      Pay a little more attention to grammar and improve sentence structures.
2.      Always proofread the task response after finishing it.
Keep practicing to improve your performance.
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